National High Magnetic Field Laboratory

User Program FAQs

No, each submitter must be explicitly added to the proposal or experiment if they should be collaborators.

The status of the DRAFT experiment changes to ‘SUBMITTED’ and a confirmation email is sent to the principal investigator and submitter.

  1. Log in to the Online User System.
  2. On your user Profile, click Edit Profile and revise the information as needed.
  3. To save your changes, click Update.

If the experiment is still in the DRAFT status, the submitter can delete the experiment himself/herself by clicking on ‘DELETE’ under ‘EXPERIMENT ACTIONS’. If the experiment is already in ‘SUBMITTED’ status, the submitter must provide the consent of the PI and contact the facility director to request the deletion.

If the proposal is still in the DRAFT status, the submitter can delete the proposal himself/herself by clicking on 'DELETE' under 'ACTIONS'. If the proposal is already in ‘SUBMITTED’ status, the submitter will need to provide the consent of the PI and contact the facility director to request the deletion.

The system allows you to submit a second experiment at a different facility ONLY when the proposal is at least in 'Submitted' status. To add an experiment to a different facility, the submitter will have to duplicate a previously submitted experiment and change the facility under ‘Edit’ of that newly duplicated experiment.